Digital Health Programs

Designed to enable prevention and effective personalized
chronic diseases treatment. At the comfort of people’s home.

gSense Impact

on Users’ Health

1%of hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) descrese for decompensated users
at least 5%BMI decrease on weight loss programs
100%of users claimed gSense had a meaningful impact on their quality of life
75%of users rated the food diary and comparator tool as excellent for improving eating habits
Healthcare programs and software powered by gSense platform
Health insurance companies
Public healthcare systems


Tailored Prevention and Healthcare Programs

Easy to roll out and cost-effective prevention and chronic disease healthcare programs with remote monitoring that enable timely treatment and lifestyle adjustments to mitigate diseases. No operational stress – centralized data and custom reports allow to track trends over time.

Compliance with Workplace Regulations

Track your employees’ mandatory health checkups, having all data centralized.

Long-Term Employee Well-Being

Provide your employees with personalized, engaging long-term prevention or healthcare programs that work.

Human Capital Risk Management

Measure the social impact of your ESG commitments with gSense insights, identify trends and changes in workforce wellbeing, reduce absenteeism.

Burnount Prevention

Measure workforce stress with reports on overall cortisol levels and patterns (not on individuals) with the first Swiss non-invasive cortisol monitoring sensor.

Prevention and Healthcare Programs
on gSense
gSense Healthcare System merges data from health trackers and lab tests with AI and medical expertise. Featuring a user app, medical team dashboard, and advanced reporting, gSense sets a new benchmark in health management.
Intuitive Software Platform
Personalized Health Pathways
Comprehensive Wellness Strategy
Proactive Risk Management
Stress and Burnout
Program with cortiSense
Award-winning cortiSense sensor to monitor cortisol and manage stress with a quick, at-home saliva test. No lab visits required. Key mental health insights provided.
Real-Time Data
Leverage the power of AI
Integration with gSense
Guidance from Coaches
At-Home Monitoring
What gSense Users Say


33 years old

Camila's testimonial

"gSense is a process that is restoring the confidence I had before becoming a mom, as I thought I would never lose weight again. The vitality I have regained thanks to gSense is amazing. I feel full of energy and vitality, ready to face each day with a positive and healthy approach."

Duration of the program: 6 months

Weight lost: 14.5kg


31 years old

Javiera's testimonial

"Knowing that I am taking care of myself has given me renewed confidence in all areas of my life. Thanks to the gSense program, I managed to normalize my insulin levels and improve my physical and emotional health. Through the program, I have successfully lost more than 20 kilograms of weight."

Duration of the program: 12 months

Weight lost: 23kg


62 years old

Sonia's testimonial

"For me, gSense has been the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I have improved my eating habits. The confidence I have gained by achieving my health and wellness goals with gSense is invaluable. Knowing that I am taking care of myself has provided me with renewed confidence in all areas of my life."

Duration of the program: 5 months

Weight lost: 9.5kg


31 years old

Valentina's testimonial

"Losing weight has been a great achievement, but the most valuable thing is the gratitude I feel for having achieved a healthy relationship with my food. Now I do it without anxiety, enjoying the process. Much of my success is due to the weekly support of the professionals, which makes this experience accessible, enriching, and full of support, challenge, and empathy."

Duration of the program: 6 months

Weight lost: 8kg