
Maria Hahn recently joined the XHealth podcast for a captivating episode with Aleksandra Gumowska, MCIM, discussing Nutrix AG. 🎧

As we approach our 3rd anniversary, it was the perfect time to pause and reflect on our incredible team, cutting-edge solution, and go-to-market strategy. The XHealth podcast provided an ideal platform to share our journey and insights with a larger audience.

We want to extend a huge thank you to Aleksandra Gumowska, MCIM, for transforming our conference room into a professional recording studio! 🎧 It was an absolute pleasure connecting with you and discussing our story. We are eagerly looking forward to listening to the podcast and sharing it with our community.

During the episode, Maria shared an exciting aspect of Nutrix AG: the ability to make changes and adjustments to the treatment plan in advance. By closely monitoring the patient’s evolution, including their glucose levels, spikes, and progress in weight loss programs, Nutrix AG empowers healthcare professionals to provide personalized and effective treatment plans. This combination of coaching and monitoring allows for better outcomes and enhanced patient care.

We are thrilled to announce that Nutrix AG is already available and reimbursed in Chile. And we have exciting news on the horizon, as we are expanding to Brasil and Mexico City. These milestones mark significant steps towards our mission of reaching and positively impacting more lives with our innovative healthcare solution.