
Nutrix AG had the privilege of participating in the prestigious Science and Technology Forum (STS Forum) alongside world leaders, discussing crucial issues in science and technology since 2003. This event provides a platform for global leaders to convene and exchange ideas on various subjects related to science and technology.

Our CEO, Maria Hahn, joined a panel on #healthyaging, alongside esteemed individuals such as Nobel laureate Dr. Richard J. Roberts, former Director of US NIH Dr. Elias Adam Zerhouni from Johns Hopkins University, Ann Kurth, and Didier Samuel. This esteemed panel of top minds showcased Nutrix’s dedication to promoting and enhancing healthy aging.

At Nutrix AG, we firmly believe in the power of collaboration between the public and private sectors in driving the success of #digitalhealth. As Maria Hahn, our CEO, emphasized during the panel, harnessing the potential of technology is vital in advancing well-being and improving the quality of life.

During the discussion, Maria Hahn highlighted the crucial concepts of lifespan and healthspan. We explained that while lifespan represents the total number of years an individual is expected to live, healthspan signifies the years lived in good health. Nutrix AG aims to not only increase lifespan but also ensure that these additional years are lived in a state of optimal well-being. Unfortunately, statistics show that, on average, people in the US live up to 20% of their lives in an unhealthy state, with an average lifespan of 79 years and an average healthspan of just 63 years old.

To address this issue, Nutrix AG recognizes that enhancing lifespan and healthspan is not solely about treating diseases but also about building long-term resilience and vitality. As a company, we believe that digital health solutions like Nutrix AG gSense can make a significant difference. By focusing on early prevention and personalized interventions, our technology has the potential to revolutionize healthcare and tackle these challenges. Through education, coaching, and promoting healthier choices, we can utilize technology as a powerful tool to support individuals and improve their overall well-being. By combining data from various devices, wearables, and utilizing predictive AI algorithms and risk calculators, we are well-equipped to address the evolving needs of healthcare.

We firmly believe that by fostering collaboration between the public and private sectors, we can create a future where everyone can enjoy a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life. At Nutrix AG, under the leadership of CEO Maria Hahn, we are committed to driving positive change and shaping a world where well-being is a shared priority.