
Dr. Jemish Parmar Chief Technology Officer, Co-Founder

Jemish is a brilliant engineer, with impressive technical expertise. He holds a master’s degree in biomedical engineering and a PhD in nanoscience.

During his postdoctoral research, Jemish developed wearable biomedical devices for biosensing applications and is now focused on product engineering with Nutrix. He graduated from ETH, The Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg and University o Barcelona

Jemish has worked in research and development for several years, focusing on nanotechnology, medical device biosensors and flexible electronics.

Multidisciplinary experience—ranging from pharmacy to biomedical engineering and nanosciences—enables him to deeply understand and manage the technical aspects of any project with which he is involved.

In the past, he worked on developing a remote wireless biosensor platform. His experience gained in projects involving micro- and nanotechnology confirms his ability to analyze technical problems.